Friday, July 23, 2004

Marriage Is Not Out-of-Date

Nope! Marriage is not just an old-fashioned fairytale, nor is it just a way of getting someone to commit to being a lifetime slave.

I still believe that marriage is holy and worthy of every investment a sane person can give. Despite the shocking divorce statistics and the tales of woe of those who have "been there and done that," I still believe that matrimony is an institution fundamental to the life and order of  society.

Will it be logical to consider any given challenge a waste of time simply because many have failed ahead of us? I don't think so. In fact, applying the same adventurous spirit that prevails in the hearts of most adolescents today--which also brings them to the conclusion that a lifetime commitment is a hoax, one would usually be more adamant to accept the challenge and prove his worth.

Maybe the challenge is not the failure. Maybe, or most likely, those who have gone before us have failed. Maybe it is purely their fault, maybe it is not. Too many maybes, I guess.

But one thing's for sure: we need not fail. We can learn from them. We can work harder than they did. We can pray harder than they did. We can succeed more than they did.

Indeed, maybe...